Wednesday 11 April 2007

Four go camping

Or should that read, four go mad in the Katmandu sale? Yeah, you guessed it. We are now proud owners of a luxury family tent. And the mother of all airbeds. I'm not quite sure how I got talked into it, but one minute Will was chatting to a couple from church about their Easter plans and the next we were fully signed up members of the camp Cormorant experience. This involved a 4 hour drive down to the beautiful East Gippsland lakes to camp in bushland by the beach with about 8 other familes, mostly with small children. The first night was pretty sleepless, but once we realised how many layers Dulcie actually needed to get warm, things settled down quite nicely. Will enjoyed a spot of waterskiing, and Thea enjoyed a lot of pretend waterskiing. All she talks about now is getting a wet suit and a lifejacket! Highlights included a very popular Easter Egg hunt on the Sunday, lots of atmospheric campfire moments, watching pelicans landing on the lake... you get the picture.

1 comment:

Frances said...

quite possibly the cutest little bunny I have ever seen!!x