Sunday, 29 April 2007

Ballet heck

Ever since Thea's godmother Rosy sent an Angelina ballerina DVD for Thea's birthday, the girl has been ballet mad. Last week we finally crumbled and started her at a local tot's ballet class on Thursday mornings. It's fairly low key, and Thea is fortunately young enough to think that her fairy dress and Dora the Explorer socks are no different to the pukka ballet dress, wrapover, tights and shoes that some of the other weenies wear. She is loving it, especially the bit at the end where Miss Melissa (why are ballet teachers always Miss something or other?!) pretends to be a tree and they all stretch up on tippy toes to pick an apple out of her hand. I am surprised to report that she is rather elegant and occasionally graceful, which is odd considering her genetic makeup.

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