Saturday, 22 November 2008


We made it! We hopped on the plane to see David Fairweather and Sian in Adelaide after almost two years of promising. It was great staying with old friends and it was good to get to explore Adelaide. Highlights were an early morning bike ride up Norton summit, Thea and Dulcie's face painting in the market, the beach at Glenelg, long lazy evening meals and a visit to SA's answer to Bavaria, Hahndorf. The low point was getting Dulcie up from her lunchtime nap in a borrowed porta cot to find her and her immediate surroundings liberally smeared in poo. But even that couldn't put a dampner on a good weekend.
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Sarah Wroe said...

hope final preparations, visits and farewells are going well - see you next week - wow!

Sarah Wroe said...

ok so don't panic have figured out it's more like the week after this coming one...