Sunday 4 March 2007

Transmission resumes... time for an update

Sorry to keep you all in suspenders, but we have been without internet for 3 weeks and so blogging has been tricky. But we're finally up and running and got loads to tell you. We're nicely settled into our new house (address of which has now been removed from the blog after we read scary article on internet security) with most of the furniture we need apart from poor old Dulcie who sleeps in the travel cot in an empty room. W has purchased his Merida Speeder and now cycles to work. The first week he got it, temperatures were hitting 35-8 most afternoons; we started keeping flannels in the freezer to revive him. The laydeez have got a proper social diary in place with playgroup on Mondays, Thea's kinder on Tues and Weds afternoons, and music group on Fridays. We've just started having people round to play and visiting other people's houses, so it's starting to feel much less lonely for Vics in the days. We've joined a church called Christchurch in Hawthorn which is very welcoming. Homegroup starts with a beer! (See if you're interested in that sort of thing).

Just before we left the flat it was Australia day and we had a great bank holiday Monday taking in all the free entertainment in town. Several of the major parks were full of merry go rounds, bouncy castles, ice cream vans, antique cars etc etc and we ended up spending most of the day there. On a stage were lots of little girls doing callesthenics (cross between gym, ballet and dance) with glitzy leotards and too much makeup and Thea was enthralled. Since watching she has taken to striking dramatic poses and waving her arms around like Kate Bush.

Feb 16th was T's 3rd birthday and it actually got celebrated three or four times. On the day itself things were quite low key but some clever people got their parcels to arrive from UK so that was excting. On the Saturday she had a party at the home of a family called the Faulks (who are Christy, John, Tessa, Charlie and Millie). Christy was in Kenya in 88 with AIM teaching alongside my good friend Lorna, but she and I never really met then. Lorna put us touch and it's great getting to know them as a family. Anyway, the Faulks provided a spectacular cake which has really set an uncomfortably high standard for future birthday cakes. When T set eyes on it her little face lit up - aaaah. We all had a swim in their pool and a lovely tea. On the Tuesday T started Possums, her kindergarten, and it's the tradition to take little cakes if it's your birthday so all the kids sing to you. She felt very special. Although she was a bit miffed when someone else had a birthday a few days later and she was no longer birthday girly.

We also had our first overnight guest who was Mr Ian Wroe, friend from Bristol now resident in NZ, in Melbourne on Business. Ian wanted it publically recorded that for the first time ever he didn't over order takeaway (which was a fine Malaysian little number.) Photo evidence provided.

All in all we are doing well and enjoying ourselves. Anyway, more updates soon as this is getting a bit long and unwieldy. Great to be back!

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